The innovation of theory and method

The author and the time of the earliest publication

1) Determine the specific relationship between the mass media agenda and the public agenda

Wallet Lippmann (1992)

2) Determine the status of the media and give it function, give the issue a distinctiveness

Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Rober K. Merton (1948/1964)

3) Clarify the metaphorical statement of agenda setting

Bernad C. Cohen (1963)

4) Name the agenda setting

Maxwell McComs and Donald Shaw (1972)

5) Study the ranking of topics in the setting of the public agenda

Maxwell McComs and Donald Shaw (1972)

6) Provides a model for the public policy agenda setting process

Roger W. Cobb and Charles D. Elder (1972/1983)

7) Create a time-varying study of the public agenda agenda at the macro-analysis level and study the relationship between real-world indicators and the media agenda

G. Ray Funkhouser (1972)

8) Experimental study of public agenda setting at the level of micro analysis

Shanto Iyengar and Donald R. Kinder (1987)