

ρ , ρ

radial distance of the (field point, source point) from the axis of the cylinder


azimuthal angle

z , z

distance of the (field point, source point) along the axis of the cylinder


magnitude of the current strength at the surface of the node of Ranvier


radial distance from the cylindrical axis where the current magnitude vanishes

r 1 , l 1

(starting, termination) point in time of the PWM-PPM waveform [8] of the ion channel current profile

U ( )

Heaviside step function

δ ( )

Dirac delta function

ϕ L F P ( r , t )

electric potential at spatial (field) position r and time t

I v ( r , t ) , I ( r )

volume source current density produced by an ion channel ring (with, without) time variation


position of the source element


permittivity of free space

ϕ , ϕ

azimuthal coordinates of the (field point, source point)

gradient operator

E channel

the net electric field due to the ion channel

k ^ , e ^ ρ

two of the three unit vectors in the three-dimensional coordinate system

ρ 1 , ρ 2

two radial distances used to generate the form of the current near the node

Δ ϕ

azimuthal thickness of the first ion channel in the ring of ion channels at the node of Ranvier

c m , k , g m , k

the membrance (capacitance, conductance) of the k-th axon

V k ( x , t )

the transmembrane potential difference of the k-th axon at spatial position x and time t

α N

a parameter introduced by Reutskiy, Rossoni and Tirozzi


total number of axons in the tract


“ratio” used in the simulations which indicates the strength of the current-mediated coupling between axons

r f

the resistance per unit length of the axoplasm of each axonal fiber

G k axoplasm , G m , k

the conductance of the (axoplasm, myelin sheath) of the k-th axon

θ k , θ k ( z )

the inclination of the k-th axon (without, with) z-dependence

K p , K p ( z )

a combination of parameters introduced by Chawla, Morgera and Snider (without, with) z-dependence

I k injected

the total injected current at the node, including contributions from ionic current, as well as external stimulation

l ( t )

number of ion channels open at the present node at time t

γ , γ

two positive real numbers less than one which determine the fraction of the field that contributes towards a nodal current


the total number of ion channels distributed uniformly over the nodal surface