Searching for a new engineer | 2000 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Engineering Education Beyond the Millenium | 2000 |
Should Engineering Ethics be Taught? | Science and Engineering Ethics | 2011 |
Social aspects of web 2.0 technologies: Teaching or teachers’ challenges? | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2011 |
Social Competences and personal ethical development—Soft Skills or a need for survival? | Technology and Society | 2000 |
Social Constraints: A Critical Component of Global Humanitarian-based Projects | 2013 ASEE Annual Conference | 2013 |
Socially Humanistic Technocrats: Bringing Sensitivity to Workplace | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2013 |
Soft Skill Development via Chem-E-Car Project | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2012 |
Soft skills for the new economy: Their place in graduate education in engineering and engineering technology | Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. | 2010 |
Soft skills in engineering education: A practical experience in an undergraduate course | Interactive Collaborative Learning | 2015 |
Soft skills in higher education: importance and improvement ratings as a function of individual differences and academic performance. | Educational Psychology | 2010 |
Soft Skills in the Technology Education Classroom: What Do Students Need? | Technology Teacher | 2008 |
Soft-Skill Prescription | Mechanical Engineering | 2009 |
Standards-based assessment of Humanities/Social Science (H/SS) programs in the liberal education division (LED) | 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Peppers, Papers, Pueblos and Professors | 2001 |
Strengthening competency linkage to innovation at Korean universities | Scientometrics | 2012 |
Strengthening human resources for new and renewable energy technologies of the 21st century—UNESCO engineering education and training programme | Renewable Energy | 1997 |
STS for engineers: Integrating engineering, humanities and social sciences | Proceedings of the 1997 ASEE Annual Conference | 1997 |
Students In Engineering And Humanities In Poland—The Differences In Learning And Professional Strategies | ICERI2011 Proceedings | 2011 |
Successful Science and Engineering Teaching in Colleges and Universities. | Journal of Chemical Education | 2006 |
Tale of two programs: Integrating humanities and engineering | Proceedings of the 1997 ASEE Annual Conference | 1997 |
Teaching “soft” skills in Software Engineering | 2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference | 2011 |
Teaching and developing social and emotional skills with technology | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI | 2015 |
Teaching competences in control education: the French industrial science example | IFAC Proceedings Volumes | 2013 |
Teaching creativity, team work and other soft skills for entrepreneurship | Journal of Entrepreneurship Education | 2014 |
Teaching engineering design with humanities and social sciences companion courses | Proceedings of the 1995 25th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Education. Part 1 (of 2) | 1995 |
Teaching Ethics to Engineers: Ethical Decision Making Parallels the Engineering Design Process | Science and Engineering Ethics | 2011 |
Teaching Human-Centered Design Innovation across Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences | International Journal of Engineering Education | 2012 |
Teaching manufacturing engineers how to optimize technical and personnel systems: Closing the competency gaps in manufacturing education | Technical Papers-Society Of Manufacturing Engineers-All Series- | 1998 |
Teaching “soft” skills to engineers | International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education | 2003 |