Statements Related to Sensitivity



1. I am generally interested in history and cultural works.

2. I enjoy learning about historical and cultural works and visiting.

3. I prepare and get information before I visit historical and cultural works.

4. I would like to examine and learn everything in detail during my visits to historical and cultural sites.

5. I have a general knowledge about works in Tarsus and the surrounding area.

6. I visited many of the historical and cultural works in Tarsus and surrounding area.

7. I haven’t visited historical and cultural works in Tarsus and the surrounding area because I didn’t have enough time.

8. I haven’t visited historical and cultural works in Tarsus and the surrounding area because I didn’t have enough money.

9. I haven’t visited historical and cultural works in Tarsus and the surrounding area because they don’t interest me.

10. Historical and cultural works in Tarsus and its surrounding areas are important for learning Tarsus’s history and culture.