Criteria | Unit | Optimal | Suboptimal | Inadequate |
Climate | Types* | C and Aw | Am, Af and B | D, E and H |
Average annual Temperature | ˚C | 18 - 26 | 16 - 18 26 - 28 | >than 28 |
Altitude | msnm | 1000 - 2000 | 0 - 1000 | Higher than 2000 |
Annual Rainfall | mm | 800 to 1800 | 600 to 800 1800 to 2000 | >than 2000 |
Soil | Type | Fluvisols Acrisols Luvisols Nitisols Histosols Xerosols Regosols Planosols Andosols Kastanozems | Cambisols | Gleysols Vertisols Rendzines Leptosols Solonchaks |
Drainage | Type | Good | Average | Deficient |