Authors and publication years

Year of data collection


Place of the study

Age and sex

N sample size

Outcome measures instruments


Ellsberg et al. 2008


Urban or/and Rural

Bangladesh, Brazil, Peru, Thailand, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Japan, Namibia, and Serbia and Montenegro, Samoa

15 - 49 years ever-married women


A standardized questionnaire was developed, and translated into 14 languages

Average prevalence of suicidal ideation for all countries was 2.9 (2.7 - 3.2). In Bangladesh suicidal ideation was 7% and 21% for ever-married women who are without and with experience of physical and sexual violence respectively.

Gausia et al. 2009

July-December 2005


Matlab sub-district in Chandpur, a rural area of eastern Bangladesh.

17 - 41 years pregnant women

361 pregnant women

EPDS-B (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale)

The prevalence of depression at 34 - 35 weeks pregnancy was 33% and the prevalence of suicidal ideation was 14%.

Feroz et al. 2012

from 15/12/2009 to 15/03/2010


Mominpur union under Sadar Upazilla of district, Chuadanga

12 - 70 years male and female

A total of 3551 households were surveyed covering 12,422 individuals.

Door-to-door survey, face to face interview and recording of all findings.

Prevalence of suicidal attempt was 281.8 per 100,000 per year

Naved and Akhtar 2008

June 25 -November 25, 2001


National representative

Women 15 - 49


Structured questionnaire

Prevalence of suicidal ideation was 11% - 14%. About 5% - 6% of the ever-married women reported having suicidal ideation during the last 4 weeks.

Wahlin et al. 2015

August 2003-January 2004


Matlab sub-district in Chandpur

60 - 95 years man and woman


SRQ20 (self reporting questionnaire 20)

The prevalence of depression was 45%, and most pronounced among the oldest women (70%). The prevalence of suicidal ideation was 23% (men 17% and women 28%)