

Price - earnings ratio (P/E Ratio – P/E)

This index is defined as the current price’s ratio of a stock to the Earnings of the stock during the former fiscal year.

Price to Sales Index (P/S)

This index is defined as the stock price’s ratio to sales per stock.

Cash flow index

The Cash flow index does not show only the cash flow of a company, but it also shows how secure its administration is in order to be able to face an unexpected turn in funds flow.

Price to Book Value Index (P/B)

The Intrinsic value of a stock can be estimated if we divide the whole range of funds, belong to a company, with the number of its stocks in circulation.

Dividend estimation

The pre-mentioned reports on the P/E, P/C and P/S constitute the most proper indexes in order for the ESG to be related to the yield of financial results.

Evaluation of the risk factor (Beta)

Financial market will look through for new ESG information which will reduce the systematic risk and will form an attitude and a point of view about it.