Variable | Description | Mode of Measurement |
AGE | Age | Years |
GEN. | Gender | Dummy: 1 = if the owner is male; 0 = if otherwise |
LE | Level of education | Classified into 5 groups |
BEXP | Business experience | Dummy: 1 = if the owner has a business experience; 0 = if otherwise |
TRA | Training | Dummy: 1 = if the owner had entrepreneurship training on Retail-shops; 0 = if otherwise |
LOC | Location of the enterprise | Dummy: 1 = if the Firm is near to another firm (200 m); 0 = if otherwise |
SCAP | Start-up capital | Classified into 4 groups |
TRANS | Access to transportation | Dummy: 1 = if the owner has an access to transportation; 0 = if otherwise |
ACMKT | Access to market | Dummy: 1 = if the owner has an access to market; 0 = if otherwise |
ACLOANS | Access to credit facilities | Dummy: 1 = if the owner has an access to finance; 0 = if otherwise |
ACPS | Access to power supply | Dummy: 1 = if the owner has an access to power supply; 0 = if otherwise |
SONEK | Social network | Dummy: 1 = if the owner is involved in social network; 0 = if otherwise |