
Sample size Recommendation

Studies recommending it

ML with multivariate

normal data (continuous)

1) 100

2) 200-400

3) N:q = 5:1

4) N:q = 10:1

5) 30-460

1) Anderson & Gerbing (1984)

2) Jackson (2001)

3) Tanaka (1987)

4) Bentler & Chou (1987)

5) Wolf et al. (2013)



Hu & Bentler (1999) ;

Yu & Muthén (2002)

Bootstrap with

nonnormal continuous data

≥200 - 1000

Nevitt & Hancock (2001)

MLR with continuous nonnormal data with missing values


Yuan & Bentler (2000)

Robust DWLS/ WLSMV with

binary or ordinal data

≥200 - 500

Bandalos (2014)

Forero, Maydeu-Olivares, & Gallardo-Pujol (2009)

MLR for binary

and ordinal variables

≥200 - 500

Bandalos (2014)