Persons involved

Stages of the research

Nature of the collaboration

Staff from the Cité (name of the establishment) - Academic staff Unifr

Phase 0:

Preparation of the research project

Meeting potential partners

・ Formulation of expectations (specifying needs, resources, possible working methods)

・ Framework of potential collaboration

Academic staff ? Staff from the Cité

Drafting project proposal

・ Endorsement of objectives and the methods of achieving them

Eben-Hézer Foundation

Acceptance of project

・ Commitment of the entire system: providing a basis for the realisation of the project and financial support

Academic staff Unifr ? Staff from the Cité

Phase 1:

Preparatory sessions

Call for participants

・ Motivation of participants

Academic staff Unifr - Participants (individuals with and educational care professionals), Member of staff from the Cité

Preliminary sessions

・ Collaboration on the definition of the work content

・ Establishing and reinforcing the framework of the collaboration

・ Boosting the participants’ motivation

Academic staff Unifr ? Educational care professionals ? Staff from the Cité

Phase 2:

Measurement (pre-test)

Initial evaluations

・ Establishing the conditions for facilitating measurement

・ Consolidate collaboration

Academic staff Unifr - participants ? Staff from the Cité

Phase 3:



・ Sharing expertise

・ Designing tools and adjusting implementation approach

・ Consolidate collaboration

Academic staff Unifr - participants ? Staff and management from the Cité

Phase 4:

Full session

・ Sharing expertise

・ Promoting collaboration

・ Endorsement of tools and approach by the entire system

Academic staff Unifr ? Educational care professionals - Cadres de la Cité

Phase 5:

Measurement (post-test)

Final evaluations

・ Establishing the conditions for facilitating measurement

・ Consolidate collaboration

Academic staff Unifr

Results processing

Management and staff from the Cité

Phase 6:

Continuing implementation

Inception of dialogue: results/action on the ground

・ Setting up the the It’s my life working group within the institution

・ Adoption of the training approach by the Cité’s internal training organisation

・ Engagement of a member of the research team to continue with implementation at the Cité

Academic staff Unifr, Staff from the Cité

Circulation and utilisation of the results

・ Publication of scientific articles

・ Publication of a cartoon strip aimed at the general public

Academic staff Unifr

・ Publication of scientific articles

・ Issue of a training manual

・ Presentations to other social welfare institutions and establishments

・ Participation in scientific discussion meetings

Academic staff Unifr, participants with an ID, educational careprofessionals

・ Presentation of the knowledge acquired in a university course