Level of Hemeroby

Description of Hemeroby degree

(Rüdisser et al., 2012)

Three categories

Land use types in this study

Five categories

1. Natural

Natural system no or only minimal anthropogenic influence (e.g., global pollution)

0 - 0.06



2. Near-natural

The structure and type of the ecosystem is the same a naturally expected at the side but some characteristics (e.g., plant species composition) are altered through anthropogenic influences

Herbaceous vegetation and water bodies

0 - 0.06

3. Semi-natural

The naturally occurring ecosystem is no longer present but has been transformed into a new ecosystem type because of anthropogenic activities



4. Altered

Besides the changed ecosystem type, the edaphon is regularly disturbed by anthropogenic activities

0.06 - 0.35


0.06 - 0.35

5. Cultural

Intense and regular impacts lead to the destruction of the natural occurring edaphon. Natural occurring floristic elements are reduced to a minimum

0.35 - 1

Agricultural activities

0.35 - 0.8

6. Artificial with natural elements

Artificial system with natural elements; intensive and irreversible changes of terrain and landscape structure; soil sealing up to 30% natural elements only in the form of secondary biotopes

Rural settlements (ejidos), mineral extractions sites, airports

0.8 - 0.9

7. Artificial

Artificial system of structures, soil sealing over 30%

Urban areas and road networks

0.9 - 1