
Enter into a formal contract

Use local social capital.

Build new social capital

Linwu duck

The enterprise and the farmer sign the purchase agreement, through the village cadre and the local prestige person to deal with the contract to buy the duck quantity, the quality, the price and the breeding technical index, etc.

Contract disputes between the company and the farmers; Use the village committee to reduce the management cost to farmers.

The company and the association, the rural credit union and the peasant households have jointly established the “quadrilateral insurance credit mechanism” and “the military breeding insurance fund” to protect the common interests.

Nine, neem.

Enterprises and farmers sign agreements to purchase prices; Use of local personnel to assist in the implementation of the contract;

Companies build roads for the region; Locally trained local personnel to undertake daily management of the base.

The weak labor force, such as women and old people, alleviates household stress.

New hope dairy.

Enterprises and dairy farmers sign “fresh milk purchase and sale contract” and dynamically increase the purchase price of fresh milk based on market fluctuation.

The use of some of the country’s well-funded livestock farmers will scrap unused construction sites, attracting many farmers to the surrounding cattle.

Introduce the dairy farming community, and form a community of interests with the farmers;

The government has jointly launched an incentive policy to subsidize farmers’ purchase of dairy cows.

Shandong shouguang vegetable.

Enterprises signed agreements with farmers to buy high-value-added output such as green food and vegetables.

The local government has eliminated the suspicion of farmers joining cooperatives; Use local technical staff to tour guides.

The farmers will use the greenhouse as the asset to buy into the cooperative, the establishment of various professional associations; We will establish a platform for agricultural trust and strengthen interaction.

Great Wall wine

Contract with farmers to determine the quantity and quality of grape acquisitions.

Use local government departments to encourage farmers to grow grapes; Develop local farmers as grape brokers.

Farmers have taken stakes in cooperatives, such as land and capital, to form a growing union; Establish good cooperation with local government.

PepsiCo potato

The company buys potatoes according to the contract, taking into account the interests of the company and the farmers.

Use local agronomists to train and guide farmers to standardize their planting.

Businesses build roads, wire lines and introduce sprinklers, thriving communities.