FPs | Original Foundational Premise (2004) | Modified Foundational Premise (2008) | Updated Foundational Premise (2016) |
FP1 | The application of specialized skill(s) and knowledge is the fundamental unit of exchange | Service is the fundamental basis of exchange | Service is the fundamental basis of exchange AXIOM STATUS |
FP2 | Indirect exchange masks the fundamental unit of exchange | Indirect exchange masks the fundamental basis of exchange | Indirect exchange masks the fundamental basis of exchange |
FP3 | Goods are a distribution mechanism for service provision | Goods are a distribution mechanism for service provision | Goods are a distribution mechanism for service provision |
FP4 | Knowledge is the fundamental source of competitive advantage | Operant resources are the fundamental source of competitive advantage | Operant resources are the fundamental source of strategic benefit. |
FP5 | All economies are services economies | All economies are service economies | All economies are service economies |
FP6 | The customer is always a co-producer | The customer is always a co-creator of value | Value is cocreated by multiple actors, always including the beneficiary. AXIOM STATUS |
FP7 | The enterprise can only make value propositions | The enterprise cannot deliver value, but only offer value propositions | Actors cannot deliver value but can participate in the creation and offering of value propositions. |
FP8 | A service-centered view is customer oriented and relational | A service-centered view is inherently customer oriented and relational | A service-centered view is inherently beneficiary oriented and relational. |
FP9 | Organizations exist to integrate and transform micro specialized competences into complex services that are demanded in the marketplace | All social and economic actors are resource integrators | All social and economic actors are resource integrators AXIOM STATUS |
FP10 |
| Value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary | Value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary AXIOM STATUS |
FP11 |
| Value co-creation is coordinated through actor-generated institutions and institutional arrangements. AXIOM STATUS |