1 Very little

2 Somewhat

3 Not at all

4 A lot

5 Very much

1. Do you agree with the evaluation process in the public sector?

2. Do you think the evaluation process is objective?

3. Are employees opposed to the current evaluation system?

4. Do you agree with the time frame for implementing the current evaluation system (annual basis)?

5. Do you know what criteria the personnel are evaluated by?

6. Which of the following do you consider most important in the evaluation of human resources (you can choose more than one answer):

a) formal education

b) training (EKDDA certified seminars)

c) additional qualifications (e.g. foreign languages, PC, etc.)

d) attending conferences - workshops

e) special skills/competences

f) personality

g) initiative

h) perception

7. To what extent have you been informed about your evaluation process?

8. To what extent do you think that evaluation is influenced by interpersonal relationships?

9. Do you think the evaluation is done by relevant people?

10. Do you think that people unrelated to the institution should also take part in the process?

11. Who among the following do you think should be involved in the HR evaluation process? (you can choose more than one answer)

a) Director-General

b) Director

c) Head of Department

d) Colleagues

e) Subordinates

f) Citizens

g) Deputy Regional Governor

h) Thematic Deputy Regional Governor

i) Regional Governor


1. To what extent have your role and responsibilities been explained to you?

2. Do you have the ability to communicate directly with your Head - Director?

3. Do you perform duties beyond those related to your position?

4. Are there clear expectations from the institution about your performance?

5. Are you aware of the institution’s expectations?

6. Do you simultaneously perform duties in another Directorate?

7. Do you find that juggling multiple tasks affects your work and performance?

8. Do you consider your knowledge to meet the requirements of your job/role?

9. Do you think your performance is satisfactory?

10. Do you feel your efficiency is being recognised?

11. Do you participate in training programs or seminars in order to better fulfil your role?

12. Is the reason you participate in training programs or seminars to get away from your work environment even for a little bit?

13. Are you aware of the annual goals of your institution?

14. Do you think you are being treated unfairly by your institution?

15. Do you think you would be better suited to another department or directorate?

16. In general, how satisfied are you with your current job?


1. How does your Head/Director respond to your work:

a) rewards

b) encourages

c) ignores

d) circumvents

2. Do you have the ability to inform your supervisor about the inappropriate behaviour of your colleagues towards citizens?

3. Do you have the ability to inform your Head-Director about the lack of interest of your colleagues?

4. Do you think that your Head - Director is generally accepted by his subordinates regarding their competences?

5. Do you think that your Head - Director has knowledge of human resource management?

6. Do you think that your Head - Director has the competence to utilize human resources in the best possible way?

7. Is your Head - Director interested in the needs of subordinates?

8. Does your Head - Director inspire confidence in you?

9. Does your Head - Director treat you equally with other subordinates?

10. Does your Head - Director take the necessary decisions with ease?

11. Does your Head - Director make a fair judgement?

12. Does your Head - Director ask for the opinion of their subordinates on dealing with problems?

11. In general, to what extent are you satisfied with your Head - Director?


1. Your relationships with colleagues are (you can choose more than one answer):

a) creative

b) constructive

c) confrontational

d) merely good

e) typical

2. Is there a spirit of cooperation - teamwork among colleagues in the workplace?

3. Are you satisfied with the trust shown in you by your colleagues?

4. Do you maintain relationships with your colleagues outside the workplace?

5. What do you think your workplace exudes:

a) creativity

b) cooperation

c) pessimism

d) conflict

6. Are conflicts with your colleagues at work particularly common?

7. In general, how satisfied are you with your relationships with your colleagues?


1. Does the institution you work for recognize your efforts?

2. Are you given opportunities for promotion - development in your workplace?

3. Does the institution you work for offer you opportunities to develop new skills?

4. Does the institution you work for make use of your competences - skills?

5. Does your institution allow you to participate in training seminars?

6. Does the management take care to inform the employees on issues that concern them?

7. In general, how satisfied are you with your institution’s policy?

8. Do you think that the current assessment framework meets the requirements of the employees and promotes their work satisfaction?

9. What factors do you think enhance their work satisfaction?

(you can choose more than one answer)

a) working conditions

b) financial rewards

c) security

d) working hours

e) acknowledgment of your individual contribution

f) supervision by superiors

g) autonomy