
Possible follow up

01. background & career

02. personal core values

03. role in civil society

04. mission & vision

05. (symbolic) capital/returns

- Why

- How

- What

- When

- Where

- Who

06. knowledge of tailored financing

07. linking network, effort & time

08. (social) return on investment

09. acceptance of risk taking concepts

10. working with exit strategies

- What are financial resources and financing possibilities

- Are there contributions from major private donors and/or capital funds

- What role has the financial management

- Has financial management also soft skills

- Is known what societal change is expected to be reached (outcome)

- Is there a choice about how to evaluate the project

- Is there a structured SROI, are there specific tools for

- Are actions forecasted to improving results

- There is a form of risk management (strategic, operational, financial)

- Is there is an formalised exit strategy

11. distribution of responsibilities

12. balancing of reward & bonus terms

13. regulation stakeholder relationship

14. transparent budget control

15. moral compass

- Is there an internal supervisory board/what are the responsibilities

- Do management and advisory board act independently

- Do codes for integrity exist and are these tested

- Is there a code of ethics

- What instruments use supervisory board for monitoring

- Who in the existing network are the most important decision makers

- How to deal with a conflict of interest

- Is there a periodic accountability check, if so, how

- Are there compensation and reimbursement policies

16. organisational structure & identity

17. management style

18. change readiness

19. social/political trusting


20. employee engagement

- What dynamics characterizes the organisation

- How is management information shared within the organisation

- Are there clear (internal) relationship models

- Is there an internal focus or just an external

- What kind of management information is needed, what is its quality

- How is the decision-making structure

- How does the information supports decision-making

- What is demonstrating the achievement of strategic goals

- Are there KPIs and if so which are important for partnerships

21. understanding of NPO by EP

22. understanding of EP by NPO

23. learning capacity

24. protocol rigidity

25. knowledge sharing

- Is there an plan with roadmap for internal/external communications

- How is the communication assessed on its effectiveness

- Is there a facing inward or outward communicating

- Is there a relationship with honour, prestige, image

- Are role, duties and procedures clearly described

- Are planning modules arranged, who is responsible

- Is the feasibility of the project planning checked

- Are there standard reporting tools available, who is responsible

- Are potential problems identified

- What core values are reported and what is frequency

- Is monitoring more broadly or more micromanagement