
Data management

Ÿ Is data collection seized once sufficient data are available to take (specific) decisions, in order to not further tax resources that could be better used elsewhere?

Ÿ Are data collection instruments co-created with and streamlined to the needs of those using them, e.g. HCPs?

Ÿ When out-licensing product or selling company: has proper market research been performed to have a good value proposition and be taken seriously?

Development/launch strategy/marketing plan

Ÿ Are there any out-licensing opportunities for new indications identified during trials that are too expensive to pursue?

Ÿ Is it possible to change development strategy if MI indicates that competition is developing a similar or superior product, or advocacy groups will frustrate uptake?

Ÿ Has the know-how of subsidiaries/head office been considered and assessed for its exploitation potential? Other entities can have substantial experience with products/MI generation in other markets.


Ÿ Pre-launch and during clinical trials: have possibilities of extending the indication or switching to others, if initial indication(s) prove(s) unfeasible, been explored?

Ÿ Post-launch: is the potential extension to other indications continuously assessed (e.g. if benefit in other patients/cohorts has been demonstrated)?

Ÿ Does the regulatory label sufficiently differentiate own products from those of competitors?

Product (pre-launch)

Ÿ Have alternatives pertinent to the dosing, appearance, storage requirements, etc., of a product, been assessed?

Ÿ Is a quarterly development plan/the TPP maintained and updated?

Product (post-launch)

Ÿ Have post-launch modifications of product pertinent to the formulation, mode of delivery, safety features, quantity of product in packet, etc. been thoroughly assessed?

Positioning/internal & external promotion

Ÿ If novel methods of promotion/advertisement are used: have they been backed up by rigorous analysis?

Ÿ Has the market been primed by e.g. involving KOLs in product development, shaping and positioning?

Ÿ Once self-select customers identified (OTC): have advertisement campaigns been adapted to reflect customer wishes (superior effectiveness, convenience, etc.), and have pharmacists (proxy targets) been provided with compelling evidence.

Ÿ Have product messages and their presentation been tested and adapted to resonate with customers? This refers to health claims or alternative benefits (e.g. reducing side effects) for patients/providers.

Ÿ Have changes in decision makers, such as from HCPs to patients, e.g. if patients are highly medically literate, been considered?

Ÿ Has promotional material/advertisement been designed for/adapted to patient narrative, topics of concern, language (e.g. social media)?