
Core considerations

Stakeholders and target mapping

Landscape assessment (Payer-mix)

Ÿ Are healthcare costs primarily financed/covered by public or private entities and who specifically are the payers? Can be insurances, single-payers (e.g. government), patients (out-of-pocket).

Stakeholder decision drivers


Ÿ Are the political climate and economy stable?

Ÿ Which populations/disorders have been given priority status (e.g. minorities, age brackets, disease rarity, severity, EoL stages, etc.)?

Ÿ Are price moratoria in place and might there be funding delays (reimbursement)?


Ÿ What is overall cost of the disease?

Ÿ Will step or incremental cost-increase be required to cover new intervention for indication/target population? Step increases considerably higher hurdle.

Ÿ Do new interventions fit into overall budget; which are the competing budgets of one entity; are existing alternatives already covered by budgets of different entity?

Ÿ Which buying mechanisms/arrangements exist in the market? E.g. for hospitals/buying consortia: bundled payments, exclusive basket of drugs per manufacturer, etc.

Need/preferences (value-fit)

Ÿ Does intervention provide step improvement regarding (cost-)effectiveness?—Increasingly required for branded products; downward price pressures compelling payers to prefer generics. Is it possible to demonstrate short- and/or long-term benefit/ROI for payer?

Ÿ Are payers requiring milestone-based reimbursement/payment models for e.g. novel staged interventions, such as genetic therapies?

Ÿ Which are the most meaningful efficacy and cost data points overall? Post-launch: effectiveness data sourced in phase 4 clinical trials.

Ÿ What are the incremental costs for specific levels of effectiveness?

HTA/formulary status/reimbursement (decision-points)

Ÿ As HTA is key to formulary listing and pricing/reimbursement level: which are essential cost-effectiveness data, is the payer perspective (society, health system), and are the parameters/weightings used in market.

Ÿ Which is the likely formulary status (outcome of HTA) and thus reimbursement level?

Ÿ Are complementary products/services, e.g. companion diagnostics, covered, too?

Ÿ How might the regulatory label impact on HTA? E.g. indication, target population, dosing, etc.

Ÿ Has the formulary status been “pre-negotiated” by previous HTAs?—Will determine data requirements.

Ÿ Has variation across countries/jurisdictions been taken into account?—E.g. evidence requirements, reimbursement levels, forecasting worst/best case

Ÿ Which impact might patient advocacy groups have on payers and prices?

Ÿ Use similar technologies for HTA if no direct comparator exists (if applicable, also those already introduced in other specialties).

Stakeholder engagement


Ÿ Has a relationship with payers been established and if so, how good is the relationship?