DEQ Dependency/Anaclitic Depression

DEQ Self Criticism/Introjective Depression

DEQ Efficacy/Capacity to adjust and succeed

EARS Capacity for Empathy Low arousal condition

EARS Capacity for Empathy High arousal condition


Narcissitic Patients (group 1) vs Successful Narcissists (group 2)

High Dependency F: 20.23; p < 0.001

High Self Criticism F: 28.60; p < 0.001

Successful Narcissists (group 2) vs Narcissitic Patients (group 1)

High Efficacy F: 7.31; p < 0.01

High empathy 1. Mann-Whitney U: 165.0; p < 0.001 2. Wilcoxon Rank Sum W: 686; p < 0.001

Relatively Higher NS

1. Control High vs Low Narcissim Patients

Narcissisic Patients (group 1) vs Other Patients (group 3)

Appeared more independent than other patients NS

High Self Criticism F:2.82; p < 0.034

High Efficacy F: 5.39; p < 0.026

Substantially equivalent

Substantially equivalent

2. Control High vs Low Narcissim Elite Adults

Successful Narcissists (group 2) vs Other Successful Adults (group 4)

Substantially equivalent

Substantially equivalent

High Efficacy F: 8.43; p < 0.006

Chi-Square: 7.86; p < 0.096NS

Substantially equivalent