GGP (γ-glutamyl transferase, units per liter: U/L)

Alcohol_amount (0: not drinking; 1: drinking less than 180 ml of Japanese sake wine (with an alcohol percentage of about 15%) or equivalent alcohol in a day when drinking; 2: drinking 180 - 360 ml; 3: drinking 360 - 540 ml; 4: drinking 540 ml or more)

AST (aspartate aminotransferase, U/L)

Sleep (1: sleeping well; 0: otherwise), Diabetes (getting diabetes treatments; 0: otherwise)

ALT (alanine aminotransferase, U/L)

Diabetes (getting diabetes treatments; 0: otherwise)

Blood_sugar (mg/dL)

Antihypertensive (1: taking antihypertensive drugs, 0: otherwise)

Urine_sugar (integers of 1 - 5, sugar in urine increasing with number; 1 is normal, 5 is worst)

F_year11 (1: fiscal year 2011; 0: otherwise)

Urine_protein (same as Urine_sugar)

F_year12 (1: fiscal year 2012; 0: otherwise)

HbA1c (hemoglobin A1c, %)

F_year14 (1: fiscal year 2014; 0: otherwise)

Weight_20 (weight increased by 10 kg or more from age 20)

F_year15 (1: fiscal year 15; 0: otherwise)

Weight_1 (weight changed by 3 kg or more in a year)