Variable | Variable |
Age | Eat_fast (0: eating faster than other people; 1: normal; 2: slower) |
Female (1: if female; 0: otherwise) | Late_supper (1: eating supper within two hours before bedtime three times or more in a week; 0: otherwise) |
Height (cm) | After_supper (1: eating snacks after supper three times or more in a week, 0: otherwise) |
BMI (Body Mass Index) = weight(Kg)/height(m)2 | No_breakfast (1: not eating breakfast three times or more in a week; 0: otherwise) |
SBP (mmHg) | Exercise (1: doing exercise for 30 minutes or more twice or more in a week for more than a year; 0: otherwise) |
DBP (mmHg) | Daily_activity (1: doing physical activities (walking or equivalent) for one hour or more daily, 0: otherwise), |
HDL (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, mg/dL) | Speed (1: walking faster than other people of a similar age and the same gender; 0: otherwise) |
LDL (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, mg/dL) | Smoke (1: smoking; 0: otherwise) |
Triglyceride (mg/dL) | Alcohol_freq (0: not drinking alcoholic drinks, 1: sometimes, 2: everyday) |