State | Description |
UUXUUX | VM1 is running on H1, VM2 is running on H2. |
FXXUUX | H1 is failed, VM1 is failed due to the failure of H1. VM2 is running on H2. |
DXXUUR | H1 failure is detected, VM1 is restarting on H2. |
DXXUUU | H1 is down, VM1 and VM2 are running on H2. |
UXXUUU | H1 is up, VM1 and VM2 are running on H2. |
UXXFXX | H1 is up, H2 is failed. VM1 and VM2 are failed due to the failure of H2. |
URXDXX | H2 failure is detected. VM1 is restarting on H1. |
DXXFXX | H1 is down, H2 is failed. |
DXXDXX | H1 is down, H2 failure is detected. |
DXXURX | H1 is down, H2 is up, VM2 is restarting on H2. |
UXXURX | H1 is up, H2 is up, VM2 is restarting on H2. |
UXXUUR | H1 is up, VM2 is running on H2. VM1 is restarting on H2. |
UFaXUUX | App1 is failed, both VMs and Hosts are up. |
UDaXUUX | App1 failure is detected. |
UPaXUUX | App1 failure is not covered. Additional recovery step is started. |
UFvXUUX | H1 is up, VM1 is failed, VM2 is running on H2. |
UDvXUUX | VM1 failure is detected. |
UPvXUUX | VM1 failure is not covered. |
| Manual repair is started. |