
validity evidence

1) Evidence based on content

There should be evidence that the reported information is aligned with the test content, and presented in a way that is understandable to the stakeholders. The score report should be a faithful reflection of what the test measures and how the test taker(s) performed on the test, which may include areas to improve upon and the identification of resources to assist in that regard.

2) Evidence based on process

Evidence should support that the score-report users are attending to the more relevant or salient features of the report, and interpreting that information as intended.

3) Evidence based on structure

Evidence should confirm that stakeholders recognize the intended relationship among the information reported. Evidence should support that subgroups of stakeholders understand the same reported information in the way intended.

4) Evidence based on relationship

Evidence should take the form of comparing how closely the level of students’ competency expressed on the score report is to teachers’ evaluation of those students’ competencies.

5) Evidence based on consequences

Evidence should indicate that stakeholders are acting on the reported information in ways consistent with reasonable expectations, and not making inaccurate interpretations leading to inappropriate decisions.