
Students (n = 96)

Resident doctors (n = 30)

Academic staff

Fair to all students in the class

84 (88%)

28 (98%)

18 (100%)

All students undergo the same evaluation

96 (100%)

30 (100%)

18 (100%)

Variety of topics from the course included

68 (71%)

24 (80%)

18 (100%)

Less stressful to the students

54 (56%)

24 (80%)

16 (89%)

No fear of confrontation with examiners

44 (46%)

18 (60%)

16 (89%)

Systematic and easy to follow

64 (67)

16 (53%)

18 (100%)

Good method of evaluating clinical skills

92 (96%)

30 (100%)

18 (100%)

No examiners’ bias

84 (88%)

28 (93%)

16 (89%)

Good replacement for long and short cases

68 (71%)

24 (80%)

18 (100%)

Less examiners’ fatigue

22 (23%)

24 (80%)

14 (78%)

Covers the whole course

48 (50%)

28 (93%)

14 (78%)