Province name

Main practice

Hubei Province

1) To provide conditions for large-scale operation;

2) Take advantage of the situation, conform to the natural trend of village migration;

3) First build a centralized residential area of the infrastructure to attract rather than forced the relocation of farmers.

Liaoning Province

1) Broaden the practice of land remediation and promote the construction of new countryside;

2) Promote the construction of basic farmland demonstration area;

3) Increasing Reclamation of Abandoned Land in Mining Area.

Sichuan Province

1) Actively carry out the land right, lay the foundation of comprehensive land improvement;

2) Change the government to guide the government to guide, give full play to farmers autonomy, mobilize farmers initiative;

3) Fully protect the long-term livelihood of farmers, so that industrial security, industry retainers;

4) According to local conditions, classification guidance, play a comprehensive effect of land remediation.

Guangdong Province

1) Expand the source, the use of garden, hillside to develop supplementary arable land;

2) Co-ordinate the funds to promote the construction of modern standard farmland;

3) Co-ordinate the funds to promote the construction of modern standard farmland;

4) Standardize the operation, to promote the construction land to increase or decrease the pilot.


1) The introduction of land market;

2) “Land ticket” to promote the reform of household registration system; 3) Farmers’ joint participation in land remediation.