The laws

Math record of law

Formulation of the law

1) Newton’s law

a = 0

Anybody, as long as it remains isolated, retains its state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion (the acceleration of the body a is zero).

2) Newton’s law

m a = F

The product of the mass of a body by the acceleration it received from the action of the force A of another body, equal to the force A

3) Newton’s law

F 12 = F 21

There is always an equal and opposite reaction to action

Stefan-Boltzmann law of thermal radiation of solids

q 12 = φ 12 ε 1 С s F 1 F 2 х [ ( Т 1 100 ) 4 ( Т 2 100 ) 4 ]

The density of the flux of thermal radiation q12 incident from body 1 to body 2 is directly proportional to the temperature difference of the bodies to the fourth degree.

Ohm’s law

I = U R

The current flowing in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor.

Planck’s Law

E 0 λ = c 1 λ 5 ( e c 2 / λ t 1 )

The density of the heat radiation flux in the blackbody is inversely proportional to the wavelength and directly proportional to the body temperature.

Wine Law

λ М T = 2879.8

The wavelength at which the blackbody radiation density reaches its maximum value is inversely proportional to body temperature.

Einstein’s law for

photoelectric effect

h υ = A e + m V 2 2

The energy of a photon descending to the cathode, followed by the emission of an electron by the cathode, is equal to the exit energy and the kinetic energy of the electron.

Bohr’s Postulates


1) In a stationary state, the atom does not emit.

2) When an atom transfers from a state with a higher energy to a state with a lower energy, when an electron in an atom jumps from an orbit more remote from the nucleus, a quantum of electromagnetic, thermal radiation is emitted

3) In a stationary state, an electron moves in a certain orbit, a Coulomb force acts on an electron in an atom.