Law number

Mathematical record of the law

Formulation of the law


q F d F = ϕ F 0 d F P F e k l F 0 = ϕ F 0 d F P F F 0 e k l

The density of the flux of thermal radiation incident from the cylindrical gas volume to the computational site is directly proportional to its power, the angular emissivity, and inversely proportional to the absorption coefficient, the average path length of the rays from all volume atoms to the site and the area of the site.


l 1 = l 2 = l 3 = = l i = ( i = 1 n l i n ) = l

The average path length of the rays from the quadrillion radiating volume atoms to the calculated area is equal to the arithmetic mean distance from the axis of symmetry of the volume to the site.


ϕ F 1 d F = ϕ F 2 d F = ϕ F 3 d F = = ϕ F i d F

Angular coefficients of radiation of coaxial cylindrical gas volumes to the design site are equal.


q F 1 d F = q F 2 d F = q F 3 d F = = q F i d F

The density of the radiation fluxes of coaxial cylindrical gas volumes to the calculation site are equal.


q F 1 d F = i = 1 n q F i d F

The densities of the thermal radiation fluxes of a cylindrical gas volume of large diameter and its cylindrical axis of symmetry to the calculation site are equal when the heat power released in them are equal.