Factor & Item

Factor Loadings








Factor 1: Emotion

DT3. I like to get angry and let go of emotions.

DT28. I express my feelings.

EQ4 You have trouble controlling anger.

EQ16. You find it so difficult to control feelings of worry.

EQ48. It’s hard for you to describe your feelings.

M1. I could feel something emotional but was not aware of the emotion at the time.







Factor 2: Problem Solving

DT47. I’m trying to solve the problem directly.

EQ17. When faced with a difficult situation, you like to gather as much information as possible about the situation.

EQ27. You have difficulty making decisions alone ou have difficulty making decisions alone.

EQ35. When trying to solve the problem, you look at all the possible functions and decide the best way.

KP7. My decisions are usually not influenced by others.




