How often during the last six months has any of the following occurred:

1. Your supervisor/colleagues are not responding to your e-mails or text messagesa,b

2. Your work performance has been commented upon in negative terms on the Internetb,c

3. Rude messages have been sent to you via digital mediac

4. Persistent criticism of your work or performance has been made against you via digital mediaa

5. Necessary information has been withheld making your work more difficult (e.g. being excluded from e-mail lists)a,b,c

6. Aggressively worded messages (e.g. capital letters, bold style or multiple exclamation marks) have been sent to you via e-mail, text messages or the likeb

7. Threatening personal messages have been sent to you via digital mediaa,b

8. Allegations about you have been made on the Interneta

9. Threatening messages about your friends/your family have been sent to you via digital mediac

10. Others have commented on the Internet that you should quit your worka

11. Attacks against you as a person, your values or your personal life have been made on digital mediac

12. Your computer identity has been hijackedc

13. Gossip or rumors about you have been spread on the Interneta

14. Extracts from your messages have been copied so that the meaning of the original message is distortedb

15. Offensive photos/videos of you have been posted on the Internetc

16. Jokes about you have been spread on the Internet or via e-mail to several recipientsa

17. Viruses have intentionally been sent to your e-mail addressc

18. Your mistakes or errors at work are repeatedly commented about in e-mails, text messages, or the likea,c

19. False statements about you have been spread on the Interneta

20. Colleagues have excluded you from the social community online (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)a