Factor 1: Technical skills

Regression weights

Qn11.5 Following exam directions carefully

Qn11.4 Answering according to marks allocated to each question

Qn11.3Answering from simple to difficult

Qn11.1 Surveying the test before beginning

Qn11.2 Reading exam directions

Qn11.6 Taking time to understand exam questions

Qn11.7 Ability to recall knowledge during the exam








Factor 2: Checking attitudes before exam submission

Regression weights

Qn11.11Satisfaction with the way of answering questions

Qn11.8 Provision of grammatically correct answers

Qn11.12 Completing the exam on time

Qn11.10 Reviewing answers and checking mistakes

Qn11.9 Avoiding looking toward other students papers




