ü To reiterate the recommendations of the present protocol, for each educational institution, in the form of a regulation to be made available to the entire community involved in the educational activity, collecting its knowledge;

ü Having defined the parameters indicated in the pedagogical protocol, item II, it is recommended that they be widely disseminated to all those involved with the construction of an “educational option term” to be subscribed by all the contractor/responsible person;

ü For both the period before the return to face-to-face activities and the return period covered in this protocol, it is recommended that the formatting of the remote work to be eventually developed by the workers be materialized in an addendum to the employment contracts;

ü The private educational activity is widely supervised by numerous bodies, especially the Public Ministries, it is recommended that all educational institutions promote the construction of all safety regulations and protocols recommended here, with the respective science and signature of those involved, before the effective return to face-to-face activities.