ü Organize its operational structure so that its students maintain a distance of 1.0 m2 between them and other people, especially students and teachers, in all classroom activities;

ü Sanitize the educational unit’s facilities daily with bleach diluted in 1 tablespoon per liter of water, spraying in all environments, before the arrival of the people involved in the classroom activities;

ü Make 70% alcohol gel easily accessible in all physical spaces of the educational establishment, especially in classrooms;

ü Guide and promote the hand hygiene of all those who attend on-site educational activities, when entering the educational unit’s facilities;

ü Promote and supervise the mandatory use of a cloth mask by all people who attend the educational establishment, especially students, teachers, and other employees;

ü Conduct the temperature measurement of all people who come to the educational establishment, at the time of admission to the educational unit’s premises;

ü Promote the immediate isolation of anyone who has the characteristic systems of covid-19, guiding them and their families to carry out the immediate 14-day quarantine procedure at their residence;

ü Notify the existence of confirmed cases of covid-19 to the municipality’s health authorities detected in students, teachers, and other collaborators, immediately upon acknowledgment;

ü Promote the demarcation of the physical spaces of the school unit in order to improve measures of social distance;

ü Promote the removal of face-to-face activities, reorganizing them in some of the possible remote modalities, of students and workers who fall into groups at risk for the new coronavirus (COVID-19), among them: I—over 60; II—manageable; III—people who have symptoms related to COVID-19, namely: persistent fever and cough (dry or secretive), runny nose and shortness of breath; IV—bearers of immunodeficiency of any kind; V—transplanted and cardiac patients; VI—carriers of other comorbidities associated with COVID-19;

ü Develop an intense and continuous training routine for students and workers on this health protocol, with special emphasis on the correct use of masks, hand and object hygiene, and respect for safe social distance in the school environment;

ü Develop an intensive and continuous training routine for families on this health protocol, with special emphasis on their collaborative engagement in orienting their families and their co-responsibility in the success of these measures, including the rapid and reliable communication to the educational institution and health authorities in case of any of the symptoms of COVID-19.

ü Recommend students and workers to, as far as possible, bring additional clean shoes for use in the classroom;

ü Recommend to students and workers that, as far as possible, they bring additional cloth masks to be changed every 3 hours of stay in an on-site educational environment;

ü Recommend students and workers to bring their own hand towel, cloth, as far as possible, for use in the educational environment;

ü Provide wet rugs with chlorine solution or equivalent in every way of entering the educational environment;

ü Ensure that the environments within the educational establishment are as airy as possible, especially the classrooms, carrying out the educational activity, whenever possible, in open areas;