(Village in Mayuge District where the communities live)

Community Habitat Resource User Group

Number of members under resource user group/community

Resource user group perceived required interventions for Grey Crowned Crane Habitat Conservation

How the suggested interventions will enhance the community resource user groups’ livelihoods

How suggested interventions will enhance resource user groups’ participation in Grey Crowned Crane Conservation


Masaka Fishing Communities


Engine Boats with their engines and Fleets of standard Fishing Nets

Engine boats, standard fishing nets will enable fisher folk fish deeper in the lake, catch better fish that will earn them more income

The fisher folk will not fish in Grey Crowned Crane Lake Shore Habitats and Breeding Grounds anymore and this will enable restoration


Nkombe Fishing Community


Boat Engines, Nets, Cages

The Engine Boats and standard fishing nets will enable fisher folk go far deeper in the lake and catch better fish. this will give them better income

The fisher folk will not engage in fishing activities in the Grey Crowned Crane Lake Shore Habitats and Breeding Grounds anymore and this will enable restoration


revenue shared with communities, communities trained, engaged in making crafts for income

Revenue shared from Ecotourism and income from selling craft materials will enable communities’ get livelihoods needs

Ecotourism revenue will enable community live off Grey Crowned Crane Habitats and this will lead to restoration and conservation