Grey Crown Cranes and Shoebills droppings improve soil fertility

Wetland ecosystem services such as rainfall formation, soil nutrients will be reduced hence affecting soil fertility which also affects food production among crop farmers and cause food insecurity

Promote collaborative management of the species and habitats between authorities and communities

Grey crown cranes and shoebills occupy areas that would be suitable for cultivation hence reducing food access

Promote Grey crowned Crane Based tourism development

Decline in habitats will increase populations of vectors such as mosquitoes into communities

Prevention of encroachment in habitats

There are still some herbal medicine in the remaining wetlands but they are declining

Control all activities within the wetlands that would be a potential threat to conservation

Decline in species or their habitat will deprive the future generation of knowledge of our totems (birds)

Develop the infrastructure and health services and hospitality in the District

The Grey Crowned Cranes move very early in the morning, inspire us regarding time management, their absence will affect our valuation of time management

There will be spiritual detachment after the species and habitats decline

The feathers of the bird species are of cultural significance to us

Uganda’s national bird will become extinct