Initial Theme: Conditions supportive of psychological developmental outcomes


Improved confidence

Higher levels of motivation

Initial impressions

Positive influences

Meaningful interactions

Constant encouragement

High levels of autonomy

Focus on improvement and having fun

Developing skills/progressing

Extracts from journal entries

Training with Mick (pseudonym) is awesome. He has taught me how to believe in myself and that I can do anything I set my mind to.

I’ve learned lots of new skills since

being here, and not just sporting ones.

I think some of it has do with the amount of encouragement he is getting.

I know John (pseudonym) really likes the fact that he gets to have a say about how to do things and appreciates the praise he gets.

Debbie (pseudonym) said that the best thing about the program is that it’s focused on improving and being the best you can be.

Everyone is really positive and always

congratulating each other.