

Brand experience (BEX)

1) Zhihu/Guokr gives me a good intuitive sensory experience

2) Zhihu/Guokr gives me a good emotional experience

3) Zhihu/Guokr gives me a good thinking experience

4) The interactive behavior of browsing or asking questions on Zhihu/Guokr makes me very good

5) Zhihu/Guokr gives me a very good social experience*

Brand knowledge (BK)

1) I can think of some characteristics of

Zhihu/Guokr very quickly

2) I can think of symbol or mark of Zhihu/Guokr very quickly

3) Zhihu/Guokr content quality is very high

4) When I use Zhihu/Guokr, I think the cost (time, experience, even money) is worthwhile

5) love Zhihu/Guokr platform

Brand relationship quality (BRQ)

1) I am very satisfied with Zhihu/Guokr

2) Zhihu/Guokr is trustworthy

3) I have a strong dependence on Zhihu/Guokr

4) Even though my life has changed, I still use


Brand esteem (BES)

1) If I can use Zhihu/Guokrl, I will not use other similar platforms

2) I have a strong attachment to Zhihu/Guokr

3) I have a good opinion of Zhihu/Guokr users and even worship them

4) I will tell my friends about the disadvantages of other platform

Brand citizenship

behavior (BCB)

1) I’d like to help other Zhihu/Guokr users or answer their questions

2) I support Zhihu/Guokr community

3) I’d like to help Zhihu/Guokr become better