15. Do you think your homework is done well?

A. Not well

B. Not very well

C. Not well

D. Well

E. Very well

16. Do you read extracurricular books?

A. Always

B. Most occasions

C. Sometimes

D. Seldom

E. Never

17. What kind of extracurricular materials do you often read?

A. Reference books related to specialized courses

B. Papers related to specialized courses

C. Literature books

D. Entertainment books

E. Other books

18. Are you familiar with the knowledge of the textbooks when reviewing the specialized courses?

A. Very much

B. A little

C. Just so so

D. Not very familiar

E. Not familiar

19. Do you have a comprehensive review when you review your textbook?

A. Very much

B. A little

C. Just so so

D. Not very comprehensive

E. Not comprehensive

20. How long does it take you a week there will be to review the specialized knowledge?

A. .0 to 2 hours

B. 2 to 4 hours

C. 4 to 6 hours

D. 6 to 8hours

E. More than 8 hours

21. Can you preview the textbook?

A. Always

B. Most occasions

C. Sometimes

D. Seldom

E. Never

22. Do you think it is important to preview the textbook?

A. Very important

B. A little

C. Just so so

D. Not very important

E. Not important