1. For a 50-minute math class, you can usually listen to it

A. 0 to 10 minutes

B. 10 to 20 minutes

C. 20 to 30 minutes

D. 30 to 40 minutes

E. 40 to 50 minutes

2. Is it difficult for you to understand the knowledge of professional courses?

A. Very much

B. A little

C. Just so so

D. Not very difficult

E. Not difficult

3. Do you take notes on a professional course?

A. Never

B. Seldom

C. Sometimes

D. Most occasions

E. Always

4. Do you answer questions on a professional course?

A. Always

B. Most occasions

C. Sometimes

D. Seldom

E. Never

5. Can you listen to the other students carefully in the class when they answer the questions?

A. Very much

B. A little

C. Just so so

D. Not very carefully

E. Not carefully

6. Do you think seriously about the teacher’s questions or assignments?

A. Very much

B. A little

C. Just so so

D. Not very seriously

E. Not seriously