Goods-Dominant Logic

Service-Dominant Logic

prosumption logic

Value creator


Enterprise and consumer


Prosumer and enterprise

Form of value creation

Enterprise creates value

Enterprise and consumer co-create value

Prosumer creates value alone

Prosumer creates value under the supporting of the enterprise

End product

Consumer receives use value

Enterprise helps consumer produce use value

Prosumer creates use value and exchange value

Value producer

Enterprise is the value producer and consumer is the value receiver

Enterprise is value co-producer

Consumer is value co-producer

Enterprise, platform stakeholders, and


The process of value creation

The production activity of Enterprise

The consumption activity of consumer

Prosumer produces and consumes

Corporate profit model

Seeking to maximize the profit for each transaction

Seeking to maximize the profit for each transaction

Exploiting potential product value to achieve brand companies, distributors and consumers a win-win strategy; receiving commissions for each transaction; mixed mode