Knowledge item

True answer

N (%)

False Answer

N (%)


N (%)

Have you heard about CS

203 (98.5)

3 (1.5)

20 (100.0)

Cesarean section need blood transfusion in some cases

176 (90.3)

20 (9.7)

20 (100.0)

Cesarean section requires a longer stay in hospital after delivery

176 (85.4)

30 (14.6)

20 (100.0)

Vaginal delivery is possible after Cesarean section

170 (82.5)

36 (17.5)

20 (100.0)

Dose Cesarean section save the life of newborn

194 (94.2)

12 (5.8)

20 (100.0)

Is there any bad consequences of Cesarean section

111 (53.9)

95 (46.1)

20 (100.0)

Mean (%) ± SD score of knowledge1

5.04 (84.0%) ± 0.94