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Creativity is a multimodal mode of transformation

Creativity engages many modes of modalities

Creativity is multimodal transformation

Communicating creativity is a way to stay healthy

Creative communication is taking care of your health

Communicating creativity is a way to stay healthy

Making mistakes and willing to learn is to be creative, it is not possible to stay in a creative state all the time

Mistakes are part of creativity, and that state needs some break

Learning by mistakes

Putting ideas on a long-term energy enthusiasm, so I do not get overwhelmed

Long term awareness pacing

Long term energy enthusiasm

I do not need to understand something for being creative

Creativity is not something you need to understand

Creativity is above understanding

Creativity is a value that is more important than cognition

Creativity stands above cognition

Creativity stands above cognition

For me creativity is just to start to do something…”

Start doing means being creative

Doing creativity

To let go of self-criticism

Ask your students what they need before your ordinary class

You don’t need to think to become creative—just start doing

Creativity is doing

Unbalanced mind is a way to trigger creativity

When you are in a state of unbalance—creativity can be triggered

A balanced mind can hinder creativity