
Design idea

Experimental strategy

Experimental intention

Soccer Robot Construction

Teachers provide robot motion videos; students observe and analyze the defects of robots; work in small groups to prepare for experiments; cooperate in teams to assemble robots and think about its design principles; improve and demonstrate robots

Play videos to show the movement status of the defective robot; students control the experiment process independently; teachers supervise, guide and remind

Cultivate students’ practical ability

ForLoop Teaching Experiment

Students combine the essentials of knowledge and robot behavior to visually show the execution process of the For loop; the teacher leads the students to track the execution process of the For loop

The teacher adopts the task-driven method to guide students to carry out inquiry learning activities; the task design has a clear hierarchy, from the shallower to the deeper, which effectively drives the students to carry out the learning activities

Cultivate students’ logical thinking ability

Offensive Robot

Guide students to decompose this experiment into subtasks

such as adjustment, positioning, finding the ball, chasing the ball, shooting and returning to the goal; teamwork, design algorithms, write programs, and debug programs for each task; effectively integrate the programs of each subtask to achieve Offensive robot

The teacher adopts the task-driven method to guide students to gradually enter the experimental state, independently analyze subtasks, design algorithms, and write programs; students help each other to learn

Cultivate students’ scientific research ability and logical thinking ability