Respondents | Responses |
R1 | UNAM could be ready, provided system for programme development and [if] NQF registration is linked to RPL process. |
R2 | We are ready, but before we implement RPL, we need to be sure that everybody understands what RPL is about. |
R3 | Yes, we are committed to implementing it. |
R4 | UNAM is committed, not ready until formal commitment is made. |
R5 | Yes, definitely-RPL is long overdue. |
R6 | Definitely, Yes. RPL is long overdue at UNAM. |
R7 | Yes, I think we are ready. |
R8 | Yes and No. Yes, in terms of desire as most people are in agreement with the implementation of RPL. No, in terms of carrying out activities such as the full-fledged implementation, unless if we pilot it first. |
R9 | Not ready. People/Implementers need to be trained before implementation. |
R10 | Yes and No. Yes, we have the expertise to run the RPL. No, the experts are few-RPL requires more people than we have on the ground. |
R11 | Yes, the University is ready. Just like all other entry requirements, once it is effected into the system, it falls in just like it is when other changes of admissions are introduced. |
R12 | Yes, UNAM is ready in terms of academic offerings. |