
Elaborate a plan allowing a 200-bed acute care hospital to get the WHO label “Children friendly hospital”

List arguments for the state health minister in favor/disfavor of systematic vaccination against Hepatitis B Virus of teen-agers

Elaborate a health prevention plan for the State Health Officer establishing the strategy, objectives, activities and evaluation mechanisms in case of a future heat-wave

Develop a flyer for the state health authorities informing the population of the advantages of getting vaccinated against seasonal influenza virus

Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the health systems of 3 different European countries

List arguments for the state health minister in favor/disfavor of establishing a « Stroke Unit » at the State hospital

Develop a communication strategy towards parents regarding the usefulness of a HPV vaccination program targeting teen-age girls

Organize a fictive press conference on the potential benefits and dangers of recommending the introduction of low-doses of “aspirin” into drinking water as a global prevention strategy