Quality attribute


Mode of testing (English)

Mode de tester (French)

With eyes

Avec les yeux


Yellow color

Bright (Translucent)

That is bright or shiny

Well-formed grains

Which has well-modelled or manufactured grains, clearly visible

Size of grains

Showing a size from small to big

Rounded grains

Which has a round form


Presence of fibers.


Which has the appearance of a paste, that contains balls and too much water

With nose

Avec le nez

Odor of attiéké

Which has a characteristic (fermented) odor proper to attiéké that allows to distinguish it from others foods

With fingers

Avec les doigts


Which takes its initial form after force of pressure

Make a ball of attiéké in the palm with the hand, squeeze the ball once and release, see how the attiéké returns to its original form.

Faire une boule d’attiéké dans la paume avec la main, presser la boule une fois et relâcher, voir comment l’attiéké reprend sa forme initiale.

Cohesion between grains

Which shows a cohesion between granules or granules pressed against each other

Press the attiéké with your fingertips and judge how the grains stick together by releasing the fingers.

Presser l’attiéké avec le bout des doigts et juger comment les grains se collent entre eux en relâchant les doigts.

In the mouth

Dans la bouche

Aroma of attiéké

Which has a characteristic aroma of attiéké

Chew a ball of at least 25 g and appreciate the intensity of the flavor.

Mâcher une boule d’au moins 25 g et apprécier l’intensité de l’arôme.


Which shows high resistance to distortion

Press the attiéké with the teeth (preferably on the first stroke of the chew) and judge whether the food is soft or firm.

Presser l’attiéké avec les dents (de préférence au premier coup de mâche) et constater si l’aliment est mou ou ferme.


Sensation of grains in the mouth when eating attiéké

Feel the grains by eating the attiéké.

Sentir les grains en mangeant l’attiéké.




Sensation of acidity


Sensation of sweetness