

Content and interpretation



Per capita income of household X1

Per capita annual income of the household in 2014 (yuan)



Average educational attainment X2

The average length of education for adults in the family, no schooling = 0, primary school/private school = 6, middle school = 9, general high school/vocational high school/technical school/technical secondary school = 12, junior college = 15, university undergraduate = 16, master’s = 19, doctor’s = 23


Expenditure for education X3

The proportion of educational expenditure to total household consumption


Accessibility of Public Education X4

Minimum time required to get home to the nearest school (minutes)



Healthy conditions X5

Lowest health status of family members, very healthy = 5, healthy = 4, general = 3, relatively unhealthy = 2, very unhealthy = 5


Sanitation facilities X6

Type of house toilet indoor = 3, outdoor flush toilet = 2, outdoor non-flush public toilet/outdoor non-flush toilet = 1


Expenditure for health X7

Health expenditure as a percentage of total household consumption


Accessibility of healthcare X8

Minimum time from home to the nearest medical center (minutes)



Cooking water X9

Types of cooking water in household: pond water/river water = 1, rainwater = 2, spring water = 3, cellar water = 4, deep well water = 5, tap water = 6, mineral water/pure water = 7


Cooking fuel X10

Types of cooking fuel in household, firewood = 1, coal = 2, gas (liquefied gas) = 3, electricity = 4, natural gas = 5, biogas/solar energy = 6


Electricity X11

Situations of electricity in household, no electricity = 1, frequent power outages = 2, occasional power outages = 3, almost no power outages = 4


Engel’s coefficient X12

Food expenditure as a percentage of total household consumption



Means of production X13

The number of production assets such as family cars, motorcycles, and tractors


Assisted living assets X14

Assets of such durable consumer goods as color TV, air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, piano, VCD/DVD, VCR/camera, desktop/laptop/pad, etc


Cultivated land quantity X15

Area of farmland owned by the family (mu)


All types of current housing X16

House ownership, wholly-owned, parent/child provided = 1, The government provides free/company provides free/ other relatives, and friends borrow = 0



Per capita housing area X17

Per capita housing area (m2)


Congestion X18

A crowding scale of 1 to 10 indicates a range from very poor to very good


Healthy conditions X19

On a scale of 1 to 10, the sanitary condition of the house ranges from very poor to very good


Lighting conditions X20

On a scale of 1 to 10, a house’s lighting condition ranges from very poor to very good


Ventilate conditions X21

The ventilation of the house ranges from very poor to very good on a scale of 1 to 10


Air condition X22

A house with a clean air condition of 1 to 10 indicates a range from very bad to very good


Noisy conditions X23

House noise conditions range from very poor to very good on a scale of 1 to 10
