SOCIAL EXCLUSION | Staff Nurses | Verbal Description | Superiors | Verbal Description |
1) Isolation of newly hired nurses | 1.27 | Disagree | 1.20 | Disagree |
2) There is diverse groupings | 2.30 | Agree | 2.20 | Agree |
3) Lateral socialization is promoted in the organization | 2.33 | Agree | 2.30 | Agree |
4) There is grouping based on seniority, position and the like | 1.20 | Disagree | 1.27 | Disagree |
5) Work task is based on specialization | 2.04 | Agree | 2.13 | Agree |
6) Socialization programs are sanctioned by the administration | 2.79 | Agree | 2.80 | Agree |
7) Length of service is the basis of work assignment | 1.11 | Disagree | 1.10 | Disagree |
8) Groupings based on skills is sanctioned by the hospital | 1.15 | Disagree | 1.23 | Disagree |
Overall Weighted Mean | 1.77 | Agree | 1.78 | Agree |