Year | Country | E-Commerce Program Provider | Program | Reference |
Jul-98 | USA | University of California, San Diego | Master degree program in e-commerce | Weinstein 1998 |
Jul-99 | UK | University of Portsmouth Business School | MA Marketing with e- commerce | M2 Presswire 1999 |
Jan-00 | USA | Boston University’s Metropolitan College | Master of science in e-commerce | Godbout 1999 |
Sep-00 | Canada | Acadia University | Bachelor of computer science with a specialisation in e-commerce | Trudel and Trudel 2004 |
Mar-01 | Australia | Central Queensland University | Master of e-commerce | CQU Handbook 2001 |
Oct-01 | UK | The Management School of Liverpool University | Undergraduate degree in e-Business | Liv 2001 |
2001 | New Zealand | The University of Waikato | Undergraduate degree in e-commerce | Waikato University 2000 |