Manufacturing Improvement

Key Enabling Capabilities

Industrial Efficiency

² Reduce material inputs for leaner manufacturing

² Multi-material capability; ability to print complete systems or subsystems

² Simplify production process, reducing costs

Mass Customization and On-demand Manufacturing

² Customization to consumer requirements at low cost

² Low cost of increased complexity

Decentralized Manufacturing

² Manufacturing is moving closer to the consumers

² Manufacturing at point of use

² Consumers print their own spare parts for fixing their personal item

Small Volume Manufacturing

² Small batches can be produced cost-efficiently

² Eliminate the investment in tooling

Rapid Prototyping

² Reduce time-to-market by accelerating prototyping

² Reduce the cost involved in product development

² Making companies more efficient and competitive at innovation

Machine Tool Manufacturing

² Reduce labor cost

² Avoid costly warehousing

² Enables mass customization at low cost

Impact on Environment

² Improve sustainability

² Less negative impact on environment

Quality Improvement

² Simplify production processes, reducing costs

² Shorter manufacturing lead time

² Lower risk by providing a contingency plan

² Quick reaction to change in demand

² Better management of demand uncertainty

² Improve process flexibility