Functions | Description |
void abrir_memoria_fisica( ) | Open device descriptor file “dev/mem”. |
void cerrar_memoria_fisica( ) | Close device descriptor file “dev/mem”. |
void mmap_perifericos_hps( ) | Map HPS peripheral region |
u_int32_t monitoreo_bin(u_int32_t registro, char nombre[ ]) | Performs binary monitoring of records, prints the contents on the screen and returns the value. |
u_int32_t monitoreo(u_int32_t registro) | Monitors and returns from the registry. |
void inicialización( ) | Initializes HPS peripherals. |
void config_Tx(int id, int dlc, int datosa, int datosb, int objeto) | Configures a Tx message object. |
void config_Rx(int id, int objeto) | Configures a Rx message object. |
void iniTx( ) | Initializes a Tx message object. |
void iniRx( ) | Initializes a Rx message object. |
void enviarTrama(int obj) | Sends the data frame that is configured on the object. |
void solicitar(int obj) | Sends a remote frame. |
void leerRx(int obj) | Make the necessary configuration to read the received frame. |
int leerDA( ) | Returns the value of the first four bytes of the received data frame. |
int leerDB( ) | Returns the value of the bytes 4 to 7 of the received data frame. |
int leerDLC( ) | Returns the DLC value of the received data frame. |
void valoresRx(int & dlc0, int & b7, ∙∙∙, int & b0) | This function is used to obtain the values of a received data frame, and convert them into strings of characters. |