




the logarithm of the annual growth rate of GDP

World Bank database, 2020


the logarithm of the rate of population

World Bank database, 2020


the logarithm of gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP

World Bank database, 2020


the share of public expenditure allocated et each expenditure sector taken in logarithm: education, health, social protection, defense, public order and services, housing, culture, energy and fuel, other economic activities

World Bank database, 2020


the nets flows of direct investment

World Bank database, 2020



Index of democracy: consider two components of freedom. The Political Rights Index measures the extent of free and fair elections, political pluralism, and political minority rights. The Civil Liberties Index measures civil liberties and individual freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom to practice one’s religion, and freedom to assemble peacefully. Both indices range from one to seven, where lower numbers indicate higher levels of freedom. To determine the Demo variable, we take the average of these two indices. Countries are coded from 1 to 7 in terms of political rights and civil liberties. While “1” represents the most democratic country (advanced democracies), “7” means the least democratic country (unfree, lack of democratic principles). In addition, countries with an average of political rights and civil liberties between 1.0 and 2.5 are classified as “free countries”; countries with an average between 3.0 and 5.0 are defined as “partly democratic” and countries with an average between 5.5 and 7.0 are “not free countries”

Freedom House, 2020


the control of corruption in country (i) at time (t) (CC): this indicator measures the use of the prerogatives of power for personal gain, in particular the enrichment of individuals in positions of power. Developed by Kaufmann, Kraay and Mastruzzi (2010) . It is evaluated according to a range that varies between −2.5 and 2.5. A value below the average of 1.25 reflects endemic corruption. While a value close to or above the average of 2.5 reflects low corruption

World Bank Governance Database ( WDI, 2020 ).

Demo*Corr. interaction

the variable that captures the interactive influence of democracy in the corruption-growth relationship.

Ghulam (2017)